Inside were photographs. A picture of my Moped outside on a sunny day, another of just it's wheel in the frame. A picture of the traffic lines on pavement blurred by motion, the next photo of the same lines, but they are now twisted into circular spirals on the road.
The final pictures are blue-tinted photographs from my photo album. Familiar images of friends and myself are mixed with photos of events I don't recognize – and perhaps haven't happened yet. They all exist side by side in these images; all tinted the same shade of cyan.
Underneath all of the photos is a small business card. Where the individuals name would usually be, only the word 'Travel' exists. A street corner address, and a time are printed below.
In the dream I turn and ask my brother if he knows who did this, but neither he nor his friend Cody know. I then seek out the little girl who gave me the package. She states simply that it came in the mail.
I sit wondering what it all means on the floor of my dream, and awake.
I almost wish this had occurred in the real world so I could discover who sent this strange message, and what it meant. The most puzzling fact about all this is that - in a way - I sent this message to myself. Of all the people we believe to know so well, we know our inner selves least of all.