Monday, September 1, 2008

A disconnected, half remembered dream.

I was eating dinner in a trailer-style, 1950's diner when a storm front moved in. There was lightening outside, and a girl appeared at the doorway.

She was pretty, with brown hair, and without preconception, I believed her when she told me I was special, and how I should be with other people like me. Her evidence is that earlier that day, I did something to save a person, and that I'm deserving of being with 'them'.

I leave my things at the diner, and notice she's gone in the blink of an eye - and so are half the other patrons.

I walked outside, and under a grey sky, notice a column of people all smiling, walking down the street. I see a boy I knew as a child (who knocked his teeth out on his bikes handlebars) - he tells me a similar story about an attractive girl. However, in his version she said he was the only person found deserving. I look at the column of people, and feel they've all been told the same thing. I also worry about my belongings that are stashed under my seat in the diner.

I follow the mass of wandering, smiling people to a house without doors, and there's a longtable, with elegant plates for everyone. Their eyes and smiles alarm me, but a sense of acceptance pervades the room.

While disconnected, and without the structure most of my vivid dreams have - this one stayed with me for a few days. When the pretty girl told me I was special, it reminded me of the pure belief I had as a child. There was no doubt, and her words filled me with complete trust. However fleeting, it was a wonderful feeling to recapture.