I was in a spare bedroom in my parents home. There was a wardrobe dresser that had a large, oval mirror mounted on top of it.
I look at my reflection in the mirror, and vividly see someone else. A beautiful girl, somewhere in her teens or early 20s with reddish hair and freckles. She stares back at me. Every facial expression and subtle movement of my body is reflected by the person in the mirror.
I look at my body, and see that I'm still myself- only the mirrors reflection is the girl.
I blink, and my reflection is added to the mirror. Both figures reflect my movements like puppets, moving in unison. I put my left arm around the girl, and in doing so, she puts her left arm on top of mine.
I study the scene inside this mirror closley, and find it facinating.
My sister comes into the room with her friend. They begin playing with a blanket on her bed and laughing. I try and explain the mirror phenomenon to her, but she just giggles.
The clock says 2:00am, and there's music coming from the downstairs vent. It sounds like a trumpet practicing musical scales. I wonder why my brother is practicing music so late at night.
I look again at the mirror, but now I am the only figure there. I'm slightly confused why I now wear a suitjacket with wide lapels.The world turns a shade of gray, and begins to shift and contort.
I stumbled away from the mirror, and fall backwards on to vacant bed nearby. My sister and her friend are jumping on their bed, still giggiling.