Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I came upon a sloping hill that led toward a cliff face overlooking the ocean. Sparse evergreen trees  dotted the slope, and between two was a bird's nest with two giant birds guarding a nest of blue broken eggs. One was a white swan, and the other a bluebird. The birds were angry, and were pecking and biting at each other over the broken eggs. While they appeared to be birds, I knew neither could fly.

Now they were very small, small enough to fit into each of my hands. It was my job now to carry them up a long winding set of stone stairs that ran parallel to the sloping hill.  The birds were struggling to get away, and my hands strained to contain them. They pecked at me and each other, struggling to break free. I needed to bring them with me up the stairs away from the dangerous cliff face. The birds attack intensifies, and I can barely hold them within each of my hands. As I climb the steep, winding stone stairs away from the ocean, my body experiences vertigo and it's very difficult to move forward. I forced myself to continue onward and upward towards my goal.

* * *

I realized upon waking that this was a metaphor for my job -  the two divirgent international offices that were large are now very small. When I came on my tasks it was like broken eggs with other squabbling about them. Now it is my responsibility to bring them back from the cliff's edge. I cannot fix the damage that was done to the company before me through bad decisions on the original owners part, but I must bring them up the stairs to the future and beyond in my role as content manager and course designer.

Interestingly, when I thought about what happened prior in the dream, finding the large birds was something I saw on my way to somewhere else,

I was walking toward a house that was part of a grassy sloping hill. I had walked around to the right, and on top of the roof-hill slope, and was moving toward a group of people around a camp fire on a cliff overlooking the ocean. 

I recognize this area as the Stone bowl/Stone stairs of Jeju Island. I may have returned there if I hadn't found a job at this company back in 2017.